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The Road To Controversy | Turkesterone Scandal Pt. 1

Turkesterone Scandal Exposed

In June of 2022, we woke up one day, and with utter disbelief we discovered that we’d gotten wrapped up in a somewhat viral scandal. We had to pinch ourselves to make sure that we weren’t dreaming, but it was real. Multiple big fitness youtubers were making videos, and some were even calling us up! Over time, this event seems to have been called the ‘turkesterone scandal’. Now over two years later, we decided to revisit this scandal, to see if anything has changed in the past two years.

For those who are not aware of the events that led up to the ‘turkesterone scandal’, here is some much needed backstory! In 2022, we started looking into ecdysteroids. We had written them off for a long time thinking it was just a bodybuilding hype, however, more and more research started coming out showing that the ecdysteroids could actually be highly efficacious. This obviously piqued our interest, so we started looking into the research to see which ecdysteroid we wanted to focus on. The one that stood out the most to us, was 20-hydroxyecdysone, better known as beta-ecdysterone. There were two reasons why beta-ecdysterone stood out, the primary reason being that it has a solid amount of research on it, including multiple human clinical trials. Secondarily, a well established supply chain already existed for beta-ecdysterone, giving us easy access to a very high quality raw ingredient.

While beta-ecdysterone seemed like the clear winner from our perspective, there was a lot of chatter about turkesterone at the time. Whenever appropriate, we like leaning into trends, especially the bodybuilding trends as they bring A LOT of demand with them. A demand which seems almost impossible to fully satisfy, so it makes a lot of business sense to provide a high quality Nootropics Depot version, in order to meet the demand that’s already out there. Supply and demand can be a beautiful thing! However, we quickly started to realize that what we were looking at wasn’t very beautiful at all, in fact, it was quite ugly! We started asking our trusted suppliers if they could get us turkesterone, and most of them told us that they could not. Our primary suppliers had not figured out yet how to cultivate the Ajuga turkestanica plant in which turkesterone is found, and the supply of the botanical is extremely limited as you can basically only find it growing wild in Uzbekistan. We shopped around a bit, and found some suppliers that were selling turkesterone standardized products, so we acquired some samples for them to test in our lab, and surprise surprise, they all failed. We went back and forth with a bunch of suppliers, and most of them told us that they are indeed selling turkesterone products to Western companies, but none of them are actually real. Well, this is when we started to get very suspicious, because there were already a plethora of products on the market that claimed to contain turkesterone.

Figure 1. A flowering ajuga turkestanica plant.

Exposing the Turkesterone Supplement Scam

We ended up ordering all of the turkesterone products on the market, and did a massive round of analytical testing on all of them. What did we find? Literally not a single one was meeting label claims. Most of them had such low amounts of other ecdysteroids in them, it was even hard to figure out what the products could have been. This was bad, really bad! We’d seen some shit at this point in time, but this really tipped the ridiculousness scales! We were staring in disbelief at these results for days because some of the TOP brands in the bodybuilding supplement industry were failing really miserably. Normally, we just keep this information for ourselves, but something changed for us when looking at these results. We realised that what we had uncovered here was a supplement scam that was potentially affecting hundreds of thousands of fitness enthusiasts, and perhaps even the companies themselves were getting scammed by the oftentimes brilliant scamming techniques employed by many overseas suppliers. So, for the first time ever, we lightly blew the whistle on our own subreddit, r/nootropicsdepot. Here, Paul, the owner of Nootropics Depot & Natrium Health posted the analytical results with the companies names on it. This information quickly spread, and before we really had time to realize what was happening, youtube was full of reaction videos from VERY prominent bodybuilders, some of which had millions of subscribers.

Figure 2. Visualizing plant compound marker bands on a specialized plate using HPTLC.

This was all quite unexpected, and totally not what we had planned to do. To be honest, we were very much out of our element at this point because we didn’t even have our own video presence on youtube yet, just some audio-only podcasts. It wasn’t long before Paul received a call from one of the biggest personalities involved in the scandal, Derek from ‘More Plates More Dates’ fame. What we heard actually surprised us quite a bit, it seemed that Derek himself had gotten duped. He had bought from what he thought was a good supplier, and had unfortunately used a lab that we have identified as a “dry lab”. This is an element that we ourselves have struggled with in the past too. If you put too much trust into your suppliers, you will get burned. Luckily, we always caught the bad batches before they ever went into production, but that clearly is not always the case in the rest of the supplement industry. We then got more unpleasant messages through youtube videos, emails etc that we were going to get sued by the companies that we called out. Spoiler alert, ZERO lawsuits occurred, because we were in the right.

At this point we realized that we can call out the bad actors all we want, but we need to be able to help them improve if they want to. Derek seemed to want to change, he had been on quite a few calls with Paul, and Paul even invited him out to our lab. All of a sudden, everything changed though, and Derek turned on us and everyone else in the industry, including his long time friend (and competitor), Greg Doucette. The videos took a more defensive nature, and he even ended up bringing some mysterious ex-FDA person onto one of his videos. This is when we learned once again, that many of these companies are too addicted to the easy profits they can make. It seems that people are willing to change at first, but once they look into how complex it is to actually do things the right way, they start to backpedal. At the end of the day, why would you invest immense amounts of time and money into a product that is already selling exceptionally well? If you have the superpower to leave your morals at the door, it makes perfect sense to just keep pumping up your marketing campaigns in order to keep selling the same garbage products. At this point, our initial hope of helping the industry to change started to quickly fade, until. . .

The Greg Doucette Story

Figure 3. Emiel, Nootropics Depot's product specialist.  

About a year and a half later, I (Emiel, product specialist) was perusing on our subreddit, and a turkesterone post had appeared with a video of Greg Doucette claiming that he now had a real turkesterone product. Obviously, given their track record, everyone was extremely dubious. It quickly became apparent to me that someone affiliated with HTLT was even active in the thread. In full honesty, my initial thought was to put my moderator hat on and to just remove the post as there was clearly some outside influence from HTLT attached to this post, and we don’t appreciate it when other brands use our platform to promote their products. My second thought however, was a little bit more conniving. I figured since there was an employee of HTLT on the thread, I’d put them on the spot and ask them to provide us with the proper testing data. I’ve gotten so jaded over the years, seeing all of these failing results, that I thought they’d surely make a fool of themselves by posting some bullshit data. To my surprise however, this employee, who I now call a friend, Marwan, sent me an Alkemist Labs HPTLC report to confirm that it was in fact real Ajuga turkestanica. Not only that, Marwan also sent me an HPLC report from Alkemist for turkesterone analysis, and their product passed testing. Color me impressed! I was honestly a little bit flabbergasted, in all of the years we’ve tested peoples products, we’ve not once interacted with a company who reacted positively after being called out, by actually changing their product for the better. Marwan and I chatted back and forth for a few days, discovering more and more just how alike we were. Pretty soon, we were nerding out together in great depth about all sorts of botanicals. More importantly however, once we gained some trust, Marwan started walking me through the ordeal they had gone through in order to source real Ajuga turkestanica. I was impressed, because they went to some great lengths to obtain real Ajuga turkestanica from Uzbekistan.

Ashwagandha is a herb that belongs to the night shade family of plants. The nightshade family of plants is a very interesting one and includes a lot of vegetables that make up large parts of many diets. Notable nightshade members are potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers, goji berries and even tobacco! Another name for the nightshade family is Solanaceae. This is where Ashwagandha gets its Latin name from; Withania somnifera. Ashwagandha is a short perennial shrub, with a large root system that develops small deep orange fruits. The fruits resemble a small cherry and the leaves look frosty due to the many tiny hairs that are on them. This one of the reasons why Ashwagandha is also referred to as ‘winter cherry’. Traditionally, the Ashwagandha root is used, however new research has found high concentrations of key components in the leaves too. Various manufacturers have taken notice of this. One of the most notable being Natreon who produce a specialized extract of Ashwagandha called Sensoril. Sensoril is made from the leaves of Ashwagandha, giving it a unique chemical composition, which produces noticeable calming effects.

They connected with various researchers, some of which were based in Uzbekistan, and over time they found a connection to an operation that could provide them with genuine Ajuga turkestanica. Marwan was very excited about all of this, and because I had seen good testing data, I was curious to try the product out. They kindly sent me a bottle to try out, but little did they know, I had an extra trick up my sleeve. I had a holiday planned in the U.S. to visit some friends and family, and I was going to be in Phoenix for a few days. So I took my bottle of Turk Builder with me, and when I went to go say hi to everyone at the office, I dropped off a sample of Turk Builder at our lab, all without HTLT knowing. They passed our testing too, and at this point I felt fully confident to try it, and I was pleasantly surprised by the unique effects! We are very happy that this interaction occurred, because we were honestly starting to lose hope in our industry at an alarming rate. Even when being called out right in the open, with multiple viral videos surrounding the issue, the companies selling a clearly fake supplement were completely unphased by it. Worse yet, it seems like such a major viral event also didn’t do much to dissuade customers from buying and even defending a clearly fake product. To see that at least one company cared enough to go through great lengths to bring out a product that they are clearly very enthusiastic about themselves, was enough to keep that small ember of hope burning in us. This is a story that we all thought needed to receive some more attention, so we decided to dive into the controversy head first again.

Figure 4. Marwan and Greg

The Turkesterone Scandal 2.0

Our basic plan for getting some more eyes onto this positive success story, was to revisit the turkesterone scandal again. On the one hand, this was a difficult decision to make. The last time we published the data, we were in for quite a nasty surprise that we weren’t fully ready for. On the other hand, the previous iteration of the turkesterone scandal did lead to A LOT of exposure on the state of product quality and analytical testing in our industry. We were especially glad to see very knowledgeable youtubers, like Sika Strength, who happens to have a background in analytical chemistry, join the conversation. Sika Strength made a fantastic video explaining a bit more about the process of analytical testing to their audience. This hopefully helped inform a large number of people about the importance of analytical testing. It hopefully also opened up the eyes of consumers, who are unknowingly buying fake products. So, since more than two years have passed, we figured it was time for another round of education.

In order to get WAY more eyes on it than last time, we decided to invite the expert in viral content, Greg Doucette, onto our podcast. The only reason we felt comfortable with this, is that the HTLT team actively worked on improving their turkesterone product AND it ended up not being a fluke. A few weeks out from recording the podcast, I discovered that they had changed their product formulation. I was honestly a little bit pissed off, because again, I’m quite jaded after all of these years, and I thought maybe they were pulling our leg. Perhaps they came out with one good batch, but had now switched back to the previous stuff that was failing. I hadn’t been talking to them long enough at this point to just blindly trust them, so I requested that we test their second formulation. Well, to my delight, the product passed again without any issues! However, we also like to be efficient, so once we knew we were going to be testing at least one turkesterone product, we figured we may as well just re-test all of the current turkesterone products on the market. At this point we were just curious if perhaps anyone else had made any changes to their products after being called out two years ago.

So, at this point, there was only one thing left to do, resurrect the turkesterone scandal for round two! In order to do this with the most amount of impact possible, we have Greg Doucette and Marwan Hagar from HTLT on this months podcast. From the Nootropics Depot side, we have Erika (our podcast host), Ellie (our science director), and myself on. This is going to be a very exciting episode, with all of the lab results (with the names of the vendors) included in the podcast. So, if you want to see those juicy results, then be sure to tune in on January 7th!

For now, I’m signing off and preparing myself for the potential insanity that is about to ensue. Happy New Year!

Join The Conversation

Live Premiere January 7th

DynaMAX Capsules

Sold out

"Research has shown that magnesium levels are decreasing in most foods... With the magnesium content decreasing in crops and the increase in the consumption of processed foods, magnesium deficiencies in the population are becoming more prevalent."

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


**SCOOPS: Nootropics Depot does not provide scoops or spoons with any of our products. Scoops are highly unreliable for accurate measuring. Mama didn't raise no fool! Scoops measure volume rather than weight, which is problematic because all powders have different densities. You wouldn't use a spoon to weigh yourself, would you? A milligram scale is needed to accurately measure powder products. Tools set us apart from the animals.

WARNING: Keep all supplements out of reach of children. Kids are short and stupid, so that should be easy for you. Do not take any supplement if under the age of 18, pregnant or nursing a baby (or an adult for that matter), or if you have any known or suspected medical conditions, and/or taking prescription drugs or over the counter medications.

*DISCLAIMER: Always consult with a qualified health physician before taking any new dietary supplement. If you can't find a qualified one, try an unqualified one. The products and statements found on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. You hear that FDA? We are not talking about diseases! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, nor would we want them to.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USING NOOTROPICSDEPOT.COM: The most exciting page on our website, apart from the sitemap! You can review the terms and conditions of using by clicking here. We know you won't, though. We will just mock you for it later.

PRIVACY POLICY: The second (third?) most exciting page on our website. You can review our privacy policy by clicking here. Nothing is private anymore. Literal babies have Instagrams now.

Turkesterone Scandal Exposed

In June of 2022, we woke up one day, and with utter disbelief we discovered that we’d gotten wrapped up in a somewhat viral scandal. We had to pinch ourselves to make sure that we weren’t dreaming, but it was real. Multiple big fitness youtubers were making videos, and some were even calling us up! Over time, this event seems to have been called the ‘turkesterone scandal’. Now over two years later, we decided to revisit this scandal, to see if anything has changed in the past two years.

For those who are not aware of the events that led up to the ‘turkesterone scandal’, here is some much needed backstory! In 2022, we started looking into ecdysteroids. We had written them off for a long time thinking it was just a bodybuilding hype, however, more and more research started coming out showing that the ecdysteroids could actually be highly efficacious. This obviously piqued our interest, so we started looking into the research to see which ecdysteroid we wanted to focus on. The one that stood out the most to us, was 20-hydroxyecdysone, better known as beta-ecdysterone. There were two reasons why beta-ecdysterone stood out, the primary reason being that it has a solid amount of research on it, including multiple human clinical trials. Secondarily, a well established supply chain already existed for beta-ecdysterone, giving us easy access to a very high quality raw ingredient.

While beta-ecdysterone seemed like the clear winner from our perspective, there was a lot of chatter about turkesterone at the time. Whenever appropriate, we like leaning into trends, especially the bodybuilding trends as they bring A LOT of demand with them. A demand which seems almost impossible to fully satisfy, so it makes a lot of business sense to provide a high quality Nootropics Depot version, in order to meet the demand that’s already out there. Supply and demand can be a beautiful thing! However, we quickly started to realize that what we were looking at wasn’t very beautiful at all, in fact, it was quite ugly! We started asking our trusted suppliers if they could get us turkesterone, and most of them told us that they could not. Our primary suppliers had not figured out yet how to cultivate the Ajuga turkestanica plant in which turkesterone is found, and the supply of the botanical is extremely limited as you can basically only find it growing wild in Uzbekistan. We shopped around a bit, and found some suppliers that were selling turkesterone standardized products, so we acquired some samples for them to test in our lab, and surprise surprise, they all failed. We went back and forth with a bunch of suppliers, and most of them told us that they are indeed selling turkesterone products to Western companies, but none of them are actually real. Well, this is when we started to get very suspicious, because there were already a plethora of products on the market that claimed to contain turkesterone.

Figure 1. A flowering ajuga turkestanica plant.

Exposing the Turkesterone Supplement Scam

We ended up ordering all of the turkesterone products on the market, and did a massive round of analytical testing on all of them. What did we find? Literally not a single one was meeting label claims. Most of them had such low amounts of other ecdysteroids in them, it was even hard to figure out what the products could have been. This was bad, really bad! We’d seen some shit at this point in time, but this really tipped the ridiculousness scales! We were staring in disbelief at these results for days because some of the TOP brands in the bodybuilding supplement industry were failing really miserably. Normally, we just keep this information for ourselves, but something changed for us when looking at these results.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Visualizing plant compound marker bands on a specialized plate using HPTLC.

We realised that what we had uncovered here was a supplement scam that was potentially affecting hundreds of thousands of fitness enthusiasts, and perhaps even the companies themselves were getting scammed by the oftentimes brilliant scamming techniques employed by many of our overseas suppliers. So, for the first time ever, we lightly blew the whistle on our own subreddit, R/nootropicsdepot. Here, Paul, the owner of Nootropics Depot & Natrium Health posted the analytical results with the companies names on it. This information quickly spread, and before we really had time to realize what was happening, youtube was full of reaction videos from VERY prominent bodybuilders, some of which had millions of subscribers.

This was all quite unexpected, and totally not what we had planned to do. To be honest, we were very much out of our element at this point because we didn’t even have our own video presence on youtube yet, just some audio-only podcasts. It wasn’t long before Paul received a call from one of the biggest personalities involved in the scandal, Derek from ‘More Plates More Dates’ fame. What we heard actually surprised us quite a bit, it seemed that Derek himself had gotten duped. He had bought from what he thought was a good supplier, and had unfortunately used a lab that we have identified as a “dry lab”. This is an element that we ourselves have struggled with in the past too. If you put too much trust into your suppliers, you will get burned. Luckily, we always caught the bad batches before they ever went into production, but that clearly is not always the case in the rest of the supplement industry. We then got more unpleasant messages through youtube videos, emails etc that we were going to get sued by the companies that we called out. Spoiler alert, ZERO lawsuits occurred, because we were in the right.

At this point we realized that we can call out the bad actors all we want, but we need to be able to help them improve if they want to. Derek seemed to want to change, he had been on quite a few calls with Paul, and Paul even invited him out to our lab. All of a sudden, everything changed though, and Derek turned on us and everyone else in the industry, including his long time friend (and competitor), Greg Doucette. The videos took a more defensive nature, and he even ended up bringing some mysterious ex-FDA person onto one of his videos. This is when we learned once again, that many of these companies are too addicted to the easy profits they can make. It seems that people are willing to change at first, but once they look into how complex it is to actually do things the right way, they start to backpedal. At the end of the day, why would you invest immense amounts of time and money into a product that is already selling exceptionally well? If you have the superpower to leave your morals at the door, it makes perfect sense to just keep pumping up your marketing campaigns in order to keep selling the same garbage products. At this point, our initial hope of helping the industry to change started to quickly fade, until. . .

The Greg Doucette Story

Figure 3. Emiel, Nootropics Depot's product specialist.  

Figure 3. Emiel, Nootropics Depot's product specialist.

About a year and a half later, I (Emiel, product specialist) was perusing on our subreddit, and a turkesterone post had appeared with a video of Greg Doucette claiming that he now had a real turkesterone product. Obviously, given their track record, everyone was extremely dubious. It quickly became apparent to me that someone affiliated with HTLT was even active in the thread. In full honesty, my initial thought was to put my moderator hat on and to just remove the post as there was clearly some outside influence from HTLT attached to this post, and we don’t appreciate it when other brands use our platform to promote their products. My second thought however, was a little bit more conniving. I figured since there was an employee of HTLT on the thread, I’d put them on the spot and ask them to provide us with the proper testing data. I’ve gotten so jaded over the years, seeing all of these failing results, that I thought they’d surely make a fool of themselves by posting some bullshit data. To my surprise however, this employee, who I now call a friend, Marwan, sent me an Alkemist Labs HPTLC report to confirm that it was in fact real Ajuga turkestanica.

Not only that, Marwan also sent me an HPLC report from alkemist for turkesterone analysis, and their product passed testing. Color me impressed! I was honestly a little bit flabbergasted, in all of the years we’ve tested peoples products, we’ve not once interacted with a company who reacted positively after being called out, by actually changing their product for the better.

Ashwagandha is a herb that belongs to the night shade family of plants. The nightshade family of plants is a very interesting one and includes a lot of vegetables that make up large parts of many diets. Notable nightshade members are potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers, goji berries and even tobacco! Another name for the nightshade family is Solanaceae. This is where Ashwagandha gets its Latin name from; Withania somnifera. Ashwagandha is a short perennial shrub, with a large root system that develops small deep orange fruits. The fruits resemble a small cherry and the leaves look frosty due to the many tiny hairs that are on them. This one of the reasons why Ashwagandha is also referred to as ‘winter cherry’. Traditionally, the Ashwagandha root is used, however new research has found high concentrations of key components in the leaves too. Various manufacturers have taken notice of this. One of the most notable being Natreon who produce a specialized extract of Ashwagandha called Sensoril. Sensoril is made from the leaves of Ashwagandha, giving it a unique chemical composition, which produces noticeable calming effects.

Marwan and I chatted back and forth for a few days, discovering more and more just how alike we were. Pretty soon, we were nerding out together in great depth about all sorts of botanicals. More importantly however, once we gained some trust, Marwan started walking me through the ordeal they had gone through in order to source real Ajuga turkestanica. I was impressed, because they went to some great lengths to obtain real Ajuga turkestanica from Uzbekistan. They connected with various researchers, some of which were based in Uzbekistan, and over time they found a connection to an operation that could provide them with genuine Ajuga turkestanica. Marwan was very excited about all of this, and because I had seen good testing data, I was curious to try the product out. They kindly sent me a bottle to try out, but little did they know, I had an extra trick up my sleeve. I had a holiday planned in the U.S. to visit some friends and family, and I was going to be in Phoenix for a few days. So I took my bottle of turkbuilder with me, and when I went to go say hi to everyone at the office, I dropped off a sample of turkbuilder at our lab, all without HTLT knowing.

Figure 4. Marwan and Greg

Figure 4. Marwan and Greg.

They passed our testing too, and at this point I felt fully confident to try it, and I was pleasantly surprised by the unique effects! We are very happy that this interaction occurred, because we were honestly starting to lose hope in our industry at an alarming rate. Even when being called out right in the open, with multiple viral videos surrounding the issue, the companies selling a clearly fake supplement were completely unphased by it. Worse yet, it seems like such a major viral event also didn’t do much to dissuade customers from buying and even defending a clearly fake product. To see that at least one company cared enough to go through great lengths to bring out a product that they are clearly very enthusiastic about themselves, was enough to keep that small ember of hope burning in us. This is a story that we all thought needed to receive some more attention, so we decided to dive into the controversy head first again.

The Turkesterone Scandal 2.0

Our basic plan for getting some more eyes onto this positive success story, was to revisit the turkesterone scandal again. On the one hand, this was a difficult decision to make. The last time we published the data, we were in for quite a nasty surprise that we weren’t fully ready for. On the other hand, the previous iteration of the turkesterone scandal did lead to A LOT of exposure on the state of product quality and analytical testing in our industry. We were especially glad to see very knowledgeable youtubers, like Sika Strength, who happens to have a background in analytical chemistry, join the conversation. Sika Strength made a fantastic video explaining a bit more about the process of analytical testing to their audience. This hopefully helped inform a large number of people about the importance of analytical testing. It hopefully also opened up the eyes of consumers, who are unknowingly buying fake products. So, since more than two years have passed, we figured it was time for another round of education.

In order to get WAY more eyes on it than last time, we decided to invite the expert in viral content, Greg Doucette, onto our podcast. The only reason we felt comfortable with this, is that the HTLT team actively worked on improving their turkesterone product AND it ended up not being a fluke. A few weeks out from recording the podcast, I discovered that they had changed their product formulation. I was honestly a little bit pissed off, because again, I’m quite jaded after all of these years, and I thought maybe they were pulling our leg. Perhaps they came out with one good batch, but had now switched back to the previous stuff that was failing. I hadn’t been talking to them long enough at this point to just blindly trust them, so I requested that we test their second formulation. Well, to my delight, the product passed again without any issues! However, we also like to be efficient, so once we knew we were going to be testing at least one turkesterone product, we figured we may as well just re-test all of the current turkesterone products on the market. At this point we were just curious if perhaps anyone else had made any changes to their products after being called out two years ago. Well, surprise surprise, everyone failed again. Including Derek’s gorilla mind products, one of the loudest people involved in the ‘turkesterone scandal 1.0.

So, at this point, there was only one thing left to do, resurrect the turkesterone scandal for round two! In order to do this with the most amount of impact possible, we have Greg Doucette and Marwan Hagar from HTLT on this months podcast. From the Nootropics Depot side, we have
Erika (our podcast host), Ellie (our science director), and myself on. This is going to be a very exciting episode, with all of the lab results (with the names of the vendors) included in the podcast. So, if you want to see those juicy results, then be sure to tune in on January 7th!

For now, I’m signing off and preparing myself for the potential insanity that is about to ensue. Happy New Year!

Join The Conversation

"Research has shown that magnesium levels are decreasing in most foods... With the magnesium content decreasing in crops and the increase in the consumption of processed foods, magnesium deficiencies in the population are becoming more prevalent."

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


**SCOOPS: Nootropics Depot does not provide scoops or spoons with any of our products. Scoops are highly unreliable for accurate measuring. Mama didn't raise no fool! Scoops measure volume rather than weight, which is problematic because all powders have different densities. You wouldn't use a spoon to weigh yourself, would you? A milligram scale is needed to accurately measure powder products. Tools set us apart from the animals.

WARNING: Keep all supplements out of reach of children. Kids are short and stupid, so that should be easy for you. Do not take any supplement if under the age of 18, pregnant or nursing a baby (or an adult for that matter), or if you have any known or suspected medical conditions, and/or taking prescription drugs or over the counter medications.

*DISCLAIMER: Always consult with a qualified health physician before taking any new dietary supplement. If you can't find a qualified one, try an unqualified one. The products and statements found on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. You hear that FDA? We are not talking about diseases! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, nor would we want them to.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USING NOOTROPICSDEPOT.COM: The most exciting page on our website, apart from the sitemap! You can review the terms and conditions of using by clicking here. We know you won't, though. We will just mock you for it later.

PRIVACY POLICY: The second (third?) most exciting page on our website. You can review our privacy policy by clicking here. Nothing is private anymore. Literal babies have Instagrams now.

What is Ashwagandha?