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Welcome to our Mood category, where we offer a range of supplements designed to elevate your spirits and promote emotional well-being. Discover our innovative Mushroom Magic blends, harnessing the power of functional mushrooms to support a positive mood and mental clarity. Experience the unique benefits of Kanna, a South African herb known for its mood-lifting and stress-relieving properties. For those seeking cognitive support and mood enhancement, try Erinamax, a liquid culture Lion's Mane mycelium rich in erinacine A, which boosts nerve growth factor synthesis. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve focus, or simply feel more balanced, our mood-enhancing supplements are here to help. 

Not sure where to start? Use our filters to find your perfect mood supplement! The filters in this category work with an “and” function. This means that checking each one will show you any product with any of those benefits. If you check motivation, it will show you all products that have mood AND motivation benefits.

  • DL-Phenylalanine Powder

    DL-Phenylalanine Powder

    What is DL Phenylalanine? DL Phenylalanine, also known as DLPA, contains different forms of the essential amino acid Phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, which means the body can only get it from external sources such as supplements...
    $19.99 - $29.99
    Product page