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Top Budget-Friendly Supplements

BUYING GUIDE: Top Budget-Friendly Supplements

Buying nootropics and supplements on a budget? Use this easy-to-use guide to see our top 3 budget-friendly supplement recommendations for 20 different uses including memory, focus, energy, stress management, relaxation, and more. The purpose of this guide is to help you find the best nootropics and supplements for you without burning that proverbial hole in your wallet! Use the menu below to get started.

Price and budget not a consideration? Check out our Premium Quality Recommendations Guide.

BUYING GUIDE | Top Budget-Friendly Supplements

Buying nootropics and supplements on a budget? Do you think a good time is spending your Sunday cutting coupons? Use this easy-to-use guide to see our top 3 budget-friendly supplement recommendations for 20 different uses, including memory, focus, energy, stress management, relaxation, and more. The purpose of this guide is to help you find the best nootropics and supplements for you without burning that proverbial hole in your wallet! Use the menu below to get started.

Price and budget not a consideration? Do you get called "Big Spender" a lot? Check out our Premium Quality Recommendations Guide.

💲 General Budget Essentials

Sometimes all we need is the basics! We are often a little bit deficient in magnesium, omega 3s, vitamin D and vitamin K2. With this in mind, these three budget-friendly supplements will help attenuate this and help you make sure you’ve got the basics down!

A highly bioavailable formulation of magnesium*

Also a great source of glycine*

This specific magnesium supplement is also perfect for promoting sleep quality*

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A high potency fish oil supplement at a budget price*

Great source of DHA while also being a good source of EPA

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A great source of high bioavailability Vitamin D and Vitamin K*

Also a great source of Vitamin C*

Ideal supplement for winter months*

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🧠 For Memory

What was I going to write for this description again? Hmmm, perhaps I need some of these budget-friendly memory promoting supplements to help me remember!

A classic memory promoting supplement*

Promotes acetylcholine levels by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase*

Also great for focus*

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A highly effective source of choline*

Helps promote acetylcholine synthesis*

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A highly revered mushroom for memory function*

Pure fruiting body extract, no mycelium on grain*

Full-spectrum extract makes it great for immune function too*

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🔍 For Focus

Oftentimes, the biggest enemy of productivity is a lack of focus. The easiest solution to this for most people is to reach for a cup of coffee. While caffeine certainly enhances our energy levels, oftentimes that really is all it does. To dial in focus a bit more while not having to shell out for that next cup of coffee and risk getting overstimulated, we would recommend taking a look at these budget-friendly focus supplements!

A classic supplement for promoting focus*

Helps speed up the synthesis of acetylcholine*

A great source of L-Carnitine*

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Gently stimulating due to low caffeine content*

L-theanine helps smooth out the caffeine*

Great for producing relaxed focus, ideal for study sessions*

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Mild stimulating effect*

Helps promote acetylcholine levels by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase*

Also great for memory*

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🤜 For Motivation

Sometimes we just feel like doing nothing and no matter where we look, we just can’t escape the feeling that we’ve been ghosted by our own motivation! Luckily, these budget-friendly supplements do a fantastic job at dialing in motivation, giving you that extra edge!

An amino acid that is found in our food*

Helps promote the synthesis of catecholamines*

Great for promoting motivation long term*

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A new heavy hitter in the world of motivation supplements*

Helps promote catecholamine levels by blocking their reuptake*

Also great for mood and focus*

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A classic motivation supplement*

Helps promote catecholamine levels by blocking their reuptake*

Also great for memory, neuroplasticity, and mood*

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🔋 For Energy

There is nothing worse than feeling like your batteries are drained all day while making futile attempts to recover some sense of energy with higher and higher doses of caffeine, all the while getting more and more jittery and on edge while still feeling a complete lack of energy. Good thing there are some alternatives out there that you can either take in isolation or together with caffeine in order to dial in its effects without getting over caffeinated. Better yet, all of the following energy promoters fall into our budget-friendly category, meaning you can get back some of your energy without breaking the bank!

A highly revered mushroom for physical energy*

Helps gently promote energy levels without overt stimulation*

Also great for physical endurance*

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A close relative of Rhodiola rosea*

Contains a high amount of energizing salidroside (3%)*

Anecdotally appears to be one of the most energizing Rhodiola extracts*

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A unique citrus-derived flavonoid*

Promotes energy levels primarily through AMPA receptors*

Also great for supporting healthy circadian rhythms*

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😊 For Mood

Cheer up with these three excellent mood promoting supplements that will put a smile on your face that gets amplified by their budget-friendly prices!

A classic for mood with both calming and stimulating effects!*

An ideal choice for long term mood support*

Also great for focus and memory*

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An acetylated version of L-Tyrosine*

More mood promotion than L-Tyrosine*

Still maintains the focus and motivation promoting effects of L-Tyrosine*

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A natural mood enhancing flavone*

Mimics BDNF(brain derived neurotrophic factor)*

Shown to promote the growth of dendrites in the brain*

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 🧘For Relaxation

Hammock? Check! Sunshine? Check! No plans for the day? Check! Ready to relax? Not really. Unfortunately, sometimes even when the perfect opportunities for rest and relaxation present themselves, our brains get in the way and make it impossible to start relaxing. These budget-friendly supplements should certainly help you make those first steps towards relaxation by easing some of those mental barriers to relaxation!

A longtime budget favorite for relaxation*

Promotes relaxation by promoting GABA levels*

Also great for promoting sleep quality*

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One of the most popular ayurvedic herbs*

Great for producing a sense of pleasant and uplifting relaxation*

Also great for promoting memory*

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A classic relaxing amino acid found in green tea*

Very good at promoting a sense of relaxation without lethargy*

Stacks incredibly well with caffeine in case you want to infuse that morning coffee with some relaxation*

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😴 For Sleep

Description not available. The author is snoozing after testing these fantastic budget-friendly sleep supplements. Please try again later.

Also in our comprehensive sleep support formula*

As a standalone, lemon balm does a great job at promoting sleep onset, duration and quality*

Works primarily via promoting GABA levels*

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A fascinating endogenous compound that gets released during the onset of sleep*

Supplementation of oleamide induces sleep while also promoting sleep quality*

Also great for pain management*

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Another interesting endogenous compound that appears to play a role in sleep*

Supplementation helps promote overall sleep quality*

Also great for memory and mood*

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😬 For Stress

Uh-oh, I’m only on the 9th category and have 11 more to go for this guide. Perhaps I bit off more than I can chew, I don’t know what to do, I’m starting to feel hopeless. This pattern of thought probably sounds familiar to most of us, but I was just writing some fiction there as I’m cool as a cucumber after trying out these excellent budget-friendly stress management supplements!

One of the most well-known stress management supplements*

A favorite in Ayurveda*

Primarily supports stress management by regulating cortisol levels*

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A unique stress management supplement that calming but not sedating*

Acts on the GABA receptors in the brain*

Is neuroprotective and enhances cognition*

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A highly effective cortisol regulating supplement*

An excellent choice for supporting both stress management and for promoting vitality*

Also great at promoting T levels*

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💪 For Physical Strength

Ever wish you could gulp down a can of spinach and have muscles like Popeye? Unfortunately, muscle gains don’t appear out of thin air like that, but these three budget-friendly strength supplements sure make gaining strength and muscle mass a whole lot easier!

A classic strength supplement*

Has a lot of human research on it*

Promotes cellular energy and hydration*

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One of the most potent herbs for T levels*

By promoting T levels, it provides major benefits to strength*

Also great for mood*

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A favorite in ayurveda for rejuvenation and strength*

Helps optimize function of T levels*

Also great for stress management*

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🛌 For Recovery

One of the most overlooked aspects of physical exercise is often the recovery process. We have come to accept that if we exercise, we will just have sore muscles, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. These three budget-friendly supplements do a fantastic job of off-setting muscle soreness and even help you get the most out of your exercise!

Very high in anthocyanins (10%)*

Anthocyanins help regulate uric acid levels*

Uric acid is a major player in muscle soreness, thus by lowering its levels, tart cherry benefits recovery*

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Creatine helps promote ATP production*

During exercise, ATP levels drop in muscles, creatine helps off-set this*

Also great for promoting strength*

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Helps regulate oxidative stress, which helps mitigate muscle soreness*

Helps regulate inflammation, which also helps mitigate muscle soreness*

Also great for metabolic health*

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🚴 For Endurance

The finish line is finally in sight, but all of a sudden you start feeling a little shaky, your legs feel like they are slowly turning into jello, your brain starts telling you enough is enough, it’s time to throw in the towel! In these scenarios, we often wish we had just a little bit more in the tank, just to push it that extra bit. Luckily these three budget-friendly supplements can help give you that little nudge necessary to reach the finish line!

One of the most well known mushrooms for physical endurance*

Helps promote overall energy levels*

Helps promote oxygen uptake into muscles*

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A hidden gem that is not often talked about*

Exercise promotes serotonin synthesis, which leads to fatigue during exercise, Black Hoof helps off-set this*

Also great for regulating inflammation*

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A close relative of Rhodiola rosea that is high in salidroside*

Helps promote energy levels*

Helps promote muscle function by suppressing mitophagy*

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🩸 For Blood Flow

Whether you are trying to achieve a “pump” in the gym, or trying to enhance blood flow to the brain, these three budget-friendly blood flow supplements are here to help!

A unique endogenous compound*

Helps promote eNOS activity which promotes vasodilation*

Also great for cognitive function, mood and pain management*

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A fascinating flavanone found in citrus peels*

Helps optimize nitric oxide production*

Also great for metabolic health*

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Helps promote eNOS activity which promotes vasodilation*

Also helps promote eNOS expression*

Additionally, Ginkgo biloba is great for cognitive function*

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⚙ For Oxidation

Oxidative stress is something we have to deal with on a daily basis, and luckily, our bodies are generally very well equipped with taking care of oxidative stress. However, a helping hand never hurts and these three budget-friendly supplements do a great job of mitigating oxidative stress!

Stabilized version of alpha-lipoic acid*

Highly effective at regulating oxidative stress through multiple different pathways*

Also great for metabolic function*

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Your body's primary antioxidant*

Promotes cellular function and improved immune health*

Also great for promoting skin health*

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Highly effective milk thistle extract*

Tackles oxidative stress from multiple different angles*

Also great for promoting liver health*

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🎯 For Inflammation

Feeling some stiffness in your joints? Perhaps a dull ache in your neck? Maybe even some mental fogginess? Well, these could all be traced back to inflammation, and these three budget-friendly inflammation supplements may be just what you are looking for!

A classic supplement for inflammation*

Curcumin does not absorb well by itself, but the inclusion of piperine drastically improves curcumin absorption*

Also great for mood*

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A highly revered supplement for a wide range of applications*

Very potent extract with 5% thymoquinone!*

Also great for immune function and pain management*

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A fascinating flavanone found in citrus peels*

Regulates inflammation through novel pathways, like VCAM-1*

Also great for immune function, blood flow and metabolic health*

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🤒 For Immune Function

We lose almost 18 workable days on average due to immune-related causes, so in keeping with the budget nature of this guide, promoting our immune function is a good strategy to preserve our ability to make money year-round! Luckily, you also don’t have to break the bank to promote immune function, and these three budget-friendly supplements will do a great job at keeping you fit year-round!

Yeast is chock full of bioactive compounds*

Functional yeast extract helps promote the function of our first lines of defence, such as our mucosal membranes*

Functional yeast also works great as a pre-biotic*

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One of the most highly revered mushrooms for immune function*

Great for a calming effect*

Also a good mushroom for promoting healthy sleep*

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A classic immune-supporting vitamin*

Also contains a great dose of Vitamin C*

Large 365 ct. jar available for the ultimate budget option*

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💝 For Cardiovascular Function

Place your hand over your heart, and just feel it pumping away, keeping you alive and healthy. It’s one of the only organs you can feel doing its job like that, and this goes to demonstrate just how much work our heart is doing on a daily basis! With this in mind, we can give our cardiovascular system a little helping hand with these three budget-friendly supplements for cardiovascular health!

A highly potent extract of pomegranate*

A fantastic oxidation regulating extract that helps support cardiovascular function*

Helps support healthy cholesterol levels*

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A fascinating flavanone found in citrus peels*

Helps promote blood flow*

Good activator of PPARγ, which plays a big role in cardiovascular function*

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A classic for promoting heart health!*

A highly potent fish oil*

Also great for promoting mood

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🤕 For Pain Management

Being in pain is no fun. In fact, it pretty much gets in the way of everything in life! Not only does it limit our physical capabilities, but pain can also be very detrimental to cognitive function and mood. Luckily, there are lots of supplements out there that may help with pain management and a lot of these are very budget-friendly too! Out of the budget-friendly category, these are our favorites.

A unique endogenous compound*

Has complex and highly comprehensive effects on many aspects of pain management*

Also great for promoting blood flow and cognitive function*

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A fascinating endogenous compound*

Binds to the GPR55 and GPR119 receptors*

Also great for promoting cardiovascular function*

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Contains beta caryophyllene, a terpene found in black pepper, cloves, rosemary, and hops*

Has a significant effect on inflammation*

Has a great acute effects on pain*

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💆 For Skin Health

This category doesn’t need much explanation, because at the end of the day, who doesn’t want smooth, firm, and blemish-free skin? Unfortunately, skin health-promoting topical products and supplements can often be very expensive but luckily there are also lots of budget-friendly options like these three fantastic supplements!

A highly optimized green tea extract with Piperine and an enteric coating for bioavailability*

An excellent supplement for targeting acne*

Also a great oxidation regulating extract*

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A cornerstone of Ayurvedic skin health*

Supports collagen synthesis*

Also great for stress, sleep, and cardiovascular function*

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A highly revered mushroom for skin health*

Helps promote skin smoothness, hydration, and collagen levels*

Also great for immune function and gut health*

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🏃 For Metabolic Health

In this day and age, it is more important than ever to support our metabolic function. While eating healthy and exercising regularly is the best way to ensure healthy metabolic function, these three budget-friendly supplements can certainly lend a helping hand!

A fascinating flavanone found in citrus peels*

Helps promote AMPK activity*

Helps support ideal PPAR activity*

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A unique lignan found in sesame seeds*

Helps promote PPARα activity*

Promotes fat burning*

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A classic weight loss and fitness supplement*

A great source of L-Carnitine*

Helps promote glucose metabolism*

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**SCOOPS: Nootropics Depot does not provide scoops or spoons with any of our products. Scoops are highly unreliable for accurate measuring. Mama didn't raise no fool! Scoops measure volume rather than weight, which is problematic because all powders have different densities. You wouldn't use a spoon to weigh yourself, would you? A milligram scale is needed to accurately measure powder products. Tools set us apart from the animals.

WARNING: Keep all supplements out of reach of children. Kids are short and stupid, so that should be easy for you. Do not take any supplement if under the age of 18, pregnant or nursing a baby (or an adult for that matter), or if you have any known or suspected medical conditions, and/or taking prescription drugs or over the counter medications.

*DISCLAIMER: Always consult with a qualified health physician before taking any new dietary supplement. If you can't find a qualified one, try an unqualified one. The products and statements found on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. You hear that FDA? We are not talking about diseases! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, nor would we want them to.

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