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Pomegranate Extracts | Why You Should Choose Pomella Natural Pomegranate Extract


This strange-looking fruit holds hundreds of tiny little seeds covered with a delicious fruity flesh. It can be quite a challenge to access these seeds, but in the end the effort is more than worth it! It’s especially worth it when you consider that pomegranates are also chock-full of various potent bioactive molecules. However, cost and effort-wise, it would not be worth it to eat entire pomegranates everyday for their health benefits. Instead, we want to look towards science-based, properly standardized Pomegranate extracts that can condense the amazing health benefits of this fruit into a convenient-to-take powder or capsule.

There are many options out there for pomegranate extracts, yet most are not of a high quality and almost none have scientific evidence backing them up. This means that most pomegranate extracts are just going to be a waste of time and money, which is a shame because a properly developed pomegranate extract can produce some great benefits. Luckily, Verdure Sciences developed a fully origin traced, scientifically guided, and clinically researched and patented Pomegranate extract called Pomella.


Pomella pomegranate extract is made from whole pomegranates with a particular focus on the husks, which contain particularly high amounts of bioactive compounds. The whole Pomegranates are then extracted and purified using patented methods to produce an exceptionally clean and potent Pomegranate extract!

What makes Pomella very unique is that we can trace its exact origins through the Verdure Sciences Verdugration program. This program was developed to ensure accurate traceability, sustainability and ethical supply chains for the Pomegranates that eventually become Pomella extract. This allows us to determine exactly where the Pomegranates are grown and gives us peace of mind that the Pomegranates were grown sustainably, while providing economic stability for the farmers who are putting a lot of hard work into producing one of the best Pomegranate extracts available on the market!

If you would like to learn more about exactly where the Pomegranates are grown, then we would recommend watching this informative video that shows you the exact farms where Pomella originates from!


This strange-looki fruit holds hundreds of tiny little seeds covered with a delicious fruity flesh. It can be quite a challenge to access these seeds, but in the end the effort is more than worth it! It’s especially worth it when you consider that pomegranates are also chock-full of various potent bioactive molecules. However, cost and effort-wise, it would not be worth it to eat entire pomegranates everyday for their health benefits. Instead, we want to look towards science-based, properly standardized Pomegranate extracts that can condense the amazing health benefits of this fruit into a convenient-to-take powder or capsule.

There are many options out there for pomegranate extracts, yet most are not of a high quality and almost none have scientific evidence backing them up. This means that most pomegranate extracts are just going to be a waste of time and money, which is a shame because a properly developed pomegranate extract can produce some great benefits. Luckily, Verdure Sciences developed a fully origin traced, scientifically guided, and clinically researched and patented Pomegranate extract called Pomella.


This strange-looking fruit holds hundreds of tiny little seeds covered with a delicious fruity flesh. It can be quite a challenge to access these seeds, but in the end the effort is more than worth it! It’s especially worth it when you consider that pomegranates are also chock-full of various potent bioactive molecules. However, cost and effort-wise, it would not be worth it to eat entire pomegranates everyday for their health benefits. Instead, we want to look towards science-based, properly standardized Pomegranate extracts that can condense the amazing health benefits of this fruit into a convenient-to-take powder or capsule.

There are many options out there for pomegranate extracts, yet most are not of a high quality and almost none have scientific evidence backing them up. This means that most pomegranate extracts are just going to be a waste of time and money, which is a shame because a properly developed pomegranate extract can produce some great benefits. Luckily, Verdure Sciences developed a fully origin traced, scientifically guided, and clinically researched and patented Pomegranate extract called Pomella.

Pomella pomegranate extract is made from whole pomegranates with a particular focus on the husks, which contain particularly high amounts of bioactive compounds. The whole Pomegranates are then extracted and purified using patented methods to produce an exceptionally clean and potent Pomegranate extract!

What makes Pomella very unique is that we can trace its exact origins through the Verdure Sciences Verdugration program. This program was developed to ensure accurate traceability, sustainability and ethical supply chains for the Pomegranates that eventually become Pomella extract. This allows us to determine exactly where the Pomegranates are grown and gives us peace of mind that the Pomegranates were grown sustainably, while providing economic stability for the farmers who are putting a lot of hard work into producing one of the best Pomegranate extracts available on the market!

If you would like to learn more about exactly where the Pomegranates are grown, then we would recommend watching this informative video that shows you the exact farms where Pomella originates from!

Pomella pomegranate extract is made from whole pomegranates with a particular focus on the husks, which contain particularly high amounts of bioactive compounds. The whole Pomegranates are then extracted and purified using patented methods to produce an exceptionally clean and potent Pomegranate extract!

What makes Pomella very unique is that we can trace its exact origins through the Verdure Sciences Verdugration program. This program was developed to ensure accurate traceability, sustainability and ethical supply chains for the Pomegranates that eventually become Pomella extract. This allows us to determine exactly where the Pomegranates are grown and gives us peace of mind that the Pomegranates were grown sustainably, while providing economic stability for the farmers who are putting a lot of hard work into producing one of the best Pomegranate extracts available on the market!

If you would like to learn more about exactly where the Pomegranates are grown, then we would recommend watching this informative video that shows you the exact farms where Pomella originates from!


Through its patented extraction and purification process, Pomella contains very high levels of Punicalagins. Punicalagins are phenolic compounds that are part of the ellagitannin family and are responsible for the bulk of Pomegranates primary benefits. Furthermore, these punicalagins are metabolized by our bodies into another class of compounds called Urolithins. This means that Pomella has a two pronged effect, giving you an initial standardized dose of Punicalagins which is then followed up by further benefits from the Urolithins. In fact, clinical research data from Verdure Sciences, has shown that these Punicalagin metabolites can be detected in plasma for up to 24 hours! This means that just a single dose of Pomella may produce up to 24 hours of Pomegranate benefits.

What Makes Pomella Pomegranate Extract Unique?


One of the other aspects that makes Pomella an incredibly unique Pomegranate supplement, is the fact that its effects are backed up by a whopping 14 clinical and preclinical studies! As far as we are aware, this is the only pomegranate extract that has actually been verified to produce it’s reported benefits in humans in controlled clinical trials.

So what exactly are these benefits? Pomegranate fruits have been associated with a plethora of different benefits, with the main one being its ability to promote balanced levels of oxidation. While Pomegranates are indeed incredibly good at promoting balanced levels of oxidation, it is a disservice to Pomegranates to only focus on this effect. This is because Pomegranates can produce some really unique effects! For example, Pomella may help promote various aspects of collagen production and maintenance, thereby significantly promoting skin quality! To further explore these unique effects, while also focusing on some of the more classic Pomegranate benefits, we decided to come up with a list of the top five Pomegranate benefits:


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- May Help Promote Skin Health
- May Help Promote Balanced Levels Of Oxidation
- May Help Promote Brain Health
- May Help Promote Cardiovascular Health
- May Help Promote Balanced Levels Of Inflammation

The rest of this blog will explore each of these different benefits in detail, allowing you to get a better understanding of all of the unique Pomegranate benefits! That being said, if you would like to just learn about one of the specific Pomegranate benefits in our top five Pomegranate benefits list, then we would recommend just skipping to the section that explores your Pomegranate benefit of interest.


As we mentioned earlier in this blog, Verdure Sciences has examined the benefits of Pomella supplementation in great depth through 14 different clinical and preclinical studies. A few of these preclinical studies focused specifically on Pomella’s effects on Collagen production and degradation. Their findings indicated the following effects Pomella has on Collagen:

- Pomella supports type-I collagen from oxidative degradation
- Pomella supports type-I collagen from glycative degradation
- Pomella regulate levels of type-I collagen crosslinking

These results are very important when considering skin health, as type-I collagen is the most abundant form of collagen in our skin. Degradation of type-I collagen can lead to a weakening of skin structure which can then lead to dull looking skin or wrinkles. By taking Pomella, you can -provide adequate protection for type-I collagen in your skin, which may result in more vibrant and fuller-looking skin, while slowing the formation of wrinkles. Furthermore, as our skin ages we often also see excessive levels of type-I collagen crosslinking which can promote skin aging. By taking Pomella, you can help minimize the process of type-I collagen crosslinking, thereby helping to promote youthful skin!

Furthermore, Verdure Sciences also discovered some additional benefits that Pomella exerts on our skin quality. These findings are summarized below:

- Pomella supports skin cells from oxidative stress
- Pomella supports skin cells from UV radiation

Two of the biggest threats to our skin quality are oxidative stress and excessive UV exposure. Sure, spending some time in the sun can make our skin look more healthy and vibrant. However, under that beautiful tan, UV rays may produce large amounts of damage. Most of this damage is mediated through oxidative stress that is triggered by UV exposure. By taking Pomella, you can both help support lower levels of oxidative stress in the skin whilst also specifically helping to protect the skin from UV rays! This may help your skin look more youthful, vibrant and healthy!


Balancing levels of oxidation is the one thing Pomegranates are incredibly well known for, and for good reason! The unique polyphenolic composition of Pomella takes this a step further by targeting specific mechanisms by which oxidation occurs in the body, and processes by which this oxidation produces damage. These effects have been studied in four different human clinical trials. What these clinical trials discovered is that:

- Pomella helps promote the levels of two primary oxidation regulating enzymes in the blood, Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Peroxidase
- Pomella helps promote Glutathione levels, an important oxidation regulating compound that is naturally found in our bodies
- Pomella helps regulate levels of homocysteine
- Pomella helps regulate levels of oxidation in the mouth when administered in the form of a mouthwash

Overall, this shows that Pomella can be utilized as a very efficacious supplement for regulating oxidative stress in the body. This may produce many beneficial effects, such as promoting cardiovascular function, supporting pain management efforts, promoting brain function and improving skin health. These oxidation-regulating effects, as one of the clinical trials showed, may even help promote oral health when used as a mouthwash! Overall, Pomella is a very versatile and clinically-proven supplement that may help promote balanced levels of oxidation!

"Research has shown that magnesium levels are decreasing in most foods... With the magnesium content decreasing in crops and the increase in the consumption of processed foods, magnesium deficiencies in the population are becoming more prevalent."


Besides being great for our skin, and overall oxidation status, Pomella is also a fantastic supplement for helping to support our brain health! Our brains are very metabolically active, and due to this, the brain also encounters its fair share of oxidative stress. While our brains are exceptionally well equipped at dealing with neuro-oxidation, a little bit of extra help from Pomella can go a long way in helping to support our brains!

In addition to giving our brain's a helping hand in keeping neuro-oxidation under control, Pomella may also help support brain health by helping the brain keep neuroinflammation regulated. These effects likely originate from the Punicalagin metabolites that are formed in the gut after supplementation with Pomella. These metabolites are called Urolithins and appear to make it into our brains quite readily. Once there, they may also help promote balanced levels of oxidation, but more importantly, Urolithins can help support healthy levels of neuroinflammation. Due to this, it is a good idea to take a comprehensive supplement like Pomella that may help the brain deal with neuroinflammation and oxidation when the need arises!

Furthermore, it has even been shown that through the Urolithins, Pomella may help regulate the formation of Beta-Amyloids. Beta-Amyloids are peptides that exist in normal healthy brains and are thought to help support the brain in many different ways. Under normal conditions, these Beta-Amyloids exist in the brain for brief periods of time and are subsequently excreted. However, this is not always the case, and sometimes Beta-Amyloid clearance may become impaired. Under these conditions, the Beta-Amyloids may aggregate together to form proteins. These proteins may pose a threat to the general health of our brains, and due to this, it is always good to try and regulate the Beta-Amyloid production and to promote the process of Beta-Amyloid clearance. Luckily, supplementation with Pomella appears to regulate the production, and ratio of, Beta-Amyloid peptides in a positive manner that may help support brain health.


Furthermore, Pomella also appears to interact with blood flow and blood pressure that is already within a healthy range in a positive manner. Research has shown that supplementation with Pomegranates may help regulate the activity of an enzyme called Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). The function of ACE, is to convert Angiotensin I into Angiotensin II. Angiotensin II may constrict our blood vessels, thereby restricting blood flow. By regulating ACE, we may support healthy levels of Angiotensin II. Through this mechanism, we may promote blood flow while also helping to support blood pressure that is already within a healthy range.

Taking into account Pomella’s oxidation and inflammation balancing effects, in addition to its effects on supporting lower ACE activity, it points to Pomella being a very good candidate for promoting overall cardiovascular health!


Earlier in this blog, we discussed the benefits of Pomella on type-I collagen, which is very widely expressed in the skin, and plays a major role in supporting skin health. However, there are also other types of collagen such as type-II collagen which is widely expressed in our joints. In fact, most of the cartilage in our joints is composed of type-II collagen. Thus, it is easy to see that type-II collagen plays an incredibly important role in supporting joint health.

Research has shown that a Pomegranate extract may help regulate an enzyme called Matrix metallopeptidase 13 (MMP-13). This enzyme breaks down type-II collagen and thus may have negative effect on joint health when it is too active. By regulating MMP-13, Pomella may help slow the degradation of type-II collagen, thereby supporting overall joint health!

Besides MMP-13-regulation, Pomella may also help promote balanced levels of inflammation in our joints. Taken together, Pomella may be a very unique and effective supplement for supporting our joint health!


After reading this blog, it has probably become clear that Pomella is quite a heavy hitter and can help promote many different aspects of human health. With that in mind, however, Pomella is not perfect and could use some help from synergistic supplement pairings in order to fully realize all of the Pomella benefits discussed in this blog!

With this in mind, we dug into the research for you, and put together five Pomella stacks that each help further amplify the effects of Pomella for each of our top five Pomella benefits!


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As we discussed in the blog, Pomella helps promote skin health by regulating type-I collagen degradation and by supporting the skin from UV rays. These effects pair really well with the effects of Injuv, a low molecular weight and high bioavailability Hyaluronic acid supplement. Hyaluronic acid helps promote skin structure and plays an instrumental role in skin hydration. Better yet, these Injuv benefits are also backed up by clinical research! Taken together, Pomella and Injuv may help promote skin vibrancy, elasticity and tightness, while also helping to promote skin hydration!


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Pomella is fantastic for promoting overall balanced levels of oxidation, however, it does not have significant effects on mitochondrial health. Promoting mitochondrial health, by targeting oxidative stress in our mitochondria, can produce a beneficial effect for overall health. One of the best supplements for promoting balanced levels of oxidation in our mitochondria, is Primavie Shilajit. By supplementing Pomella alongside Shilajit, we can expect to see increased cellular energy while also supporting balanced levels of oxidation throughout the body and brain!


Pomella Pomegranate Capsules

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Polygala tenuifolia Capsules

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As we discussed in the blog, Pomella does a great job at promoting overall brain health, and we found that Pomella's brain health-promoting effects pair particularly well with Polygala tenuifolia. Polygala tenuifolia is one of the best supplements we know of for promoting overall brain health, while also dialing in cognitive function, energy and mood. Taken together, Pomella and Polygala tenuifolia promote an invigorating and refreshing effect for the mind, while also helping to support overall brain health!


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Pomella does a fantastic job as a standalone supplement for promoting cardiovascular health, however it could use some help to perform at its best. We found that Ubiquinol CoQ10 may be able to help bolster the cardiovascular health-promoting effects of Pomella. Ubiquinol is one of the most highly regarded cardiovascular health supplements, and its effects appear to mesh quite favorably with those of Pomella. We have another little trick up our sleeves though, as our Ubiquinol CoQ10 is a bit special! The Ubiquinol CoQ10 that we carry is called CoQH-CF. The “CF” stands for crystal free, and refers to the fact that this is a fully stabilized and solubilized formulation of Ubiquinol Coq10 that is entirely free of crystalline Ubiquinol CoQ10. One of the issues with Ubiquinol CoQ10 is that its crystal form is hard to absorb and it’s poorly water soluble. CoQH-CF solves both of these problems, leading to one of the best Ubiquinol supplements currently available! This stack of two cutting edge supplements would be a fantastic choice for helping to support cardiovascular health!


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As we discussed in the blog, Pomella has some very unique effects on supporting joint health and strength, while also helping to support balanced levels of inflammation. That being said, the inflammation balancing effects of Pomella could use some help, and we find that it pairs exceptionally well with another ingredient made by Verdure Sciences called Longvida. Longvida is a high bioavailability Curcumin supplement and has been shown to help promote balanced levels of inflammation while also promoting joint comfort. Pomella and Longvida taken together may provide a fantastic option for helping to support overall joint health!


If you liked the above stacks, and would like more well researched and effective stacks, then we would recommend giving our stack guide a read! Here you will find over 70 different stacks to help you reach your goals!


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Scoops: Nootropics Depot does not provide scoops or spoons with any of our products. Scoops are highly unreliable for accurate measuring. Scoops measure volume rather than weight which is problematic because all powders have different densities. A milligram scale is needed to accurately measure powder products.

Attention: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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About Nootropics Depot

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Nootropics Depot is an online-based vendor of high quality nootropics, novel plant extracts, amino acids, fish oil, choline supplements, vitamins, and more based in Tempe Arizona. We were founded in 2013 when we realized the industry needed a trusted source for these products and someone to champion the change the supplement industry needs. We have our own in-house analytical testing lab with some of the best analytical chemists in the supplement industry. We are constantly striving to advance and improve the purity and analytical standards of not only the nootropics industry, but the larger supplement industry as a whole.