This strange-looking fruit holds hundreds of tiny little seeds covered with a delicious fruity flesh. It can be quite a challenge to access these seeds, but in the end the effort is more than worth it! It’s especially worth it when you consider that pomegranates are also chock-full of various potent bioactive molecules. However, cost and effort-wise, it would not be worth it to eat entire pomegranates everyday for their health benefits. Instead, we want to look towards science-based, properly standardized Pomegranate extracts that can condense the amazing health benefits of this fruit into a convenient-to-take powder or capsule.
There are many options out there for pomegranate extracts, yet most are not of a high quality and almost none have scientific evidence backing them up. This means that most pomegranate extracts are just going to be a waste of time and money, which is a shame because a properly developed pomegranate extract can produce some great benefits. Luckily, Verdure Sciences developed a fully origin traced, scientifically guided, and clinically researched and patented Pomegranate extract called Pomella.