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Dynamine Methylliberine: A Fast-Acting, Natural Ingredient That Boosts Focus and Energy


Caffeine is a compound which most people around the world are familiar with. In fact, most cultures globally have a link to some form of caffeine. The most well known source of caffeine is coffee, but there are other lesser known sources such as the kola nut. Caffeine is part of a larger group of compounds called xanthines. Here is a list of common xanthines and where they can be found:

    • Caffeine: Found in guarana, kola nut, tea, coffee and yerba mate.
    • Paraxanthine: This xanthine has not been confirmed to exist in any plants. It is, however, a major metabolite of caffeine in humans. Like caffeine, it is a stimulant, but reports show that it is better at heightening wakefulness.
    • Theobromine: Found in chocolate/cacao, tea, coffee and yerba mate. Theobromine is most commonly found in large concentrations in chocolate. Theobromine is stimulating like caffeine but much less potent. It also helps promote enhanced blood flow by relaxing our blood vessels.
    • Theophylline: Found in tea, chocolate/cacao, and yerba mate. This xanthine, like others, has a stimulating effect. It is mostly found in tea and promotes the relaxation of bronchial muscles and blood vessels.

There are also a few interesting uric acid derivatives of the xanthines, the two most common, and currently available on the market are:

Theacrine (Teacrine): Theacrine is present in small amounts in kucha tea. Theacrine’s special quality is that it lasts much longer than caffeine and reports indicate that it is better at enhancing mood. There also doesn’t appear to be a build up of tolerance as reported with caffeine. Anecdotally, the effects also appear to be smoother than caffeine as well.

Methylliberine (Dynamine): Methylliberine is also present in small amounts in kucha tea. However, it’s very different from theacrine. It has been reported that Methylliberine has more of an impact than other xanthines providing a significant positive effect on mood. Although its effects are rapid, they are short lived.

There are many effects of the various xanthine molecules, however, in this blog we will focus on Dynamine Methylliberine, which in our opinion is one of the best xanthine derivatives currently available!


Caffeine is a compound which most people around the world are familiar with. In fact, most cultures globally have a link to some form of caffeine. The most well known source of caffeine is coffee, but there are other lesser known sources such as the kola nut. Caffeine is part of a larger group of compounds called xanthines. Here is a list of common xanthines and where they can be found:

    • Caffeine: Found in guarana, kola nut, tea, coffee and yerba mate.
    • Paraxanthine: this xanthine has not been confirmed to exist in any plants. It is, however, a major metabolite of caffeine in humans. Like caffeine, it is a stimulant, but reports show that it is better at heightening wakefulness.
    • Theobromine: Found in chocolate/cacao, tea, coffee and yerba mate. Theobromine is most commonly found in large concentrations in chocolate. Theobromine is stimulating like caffeine but much less potent. It also helps promote enhanced blood flow by relaxing our blood vessels.
    • Theophylline: Found in tea, chocolate/cacao, and yerba mate. This xanthine, like others, has a stimulating effect. It is mostly found in tea and promotes the relaxation of bronchial muscles and blood vessels.


Caffeine is a compound which most people around the world are familiar with. In fact, most cultures globally have a link to some form of caffeine. The most well known source of caffeine is coffee, but there are other lesser known sources such as the kola nut. Caffeine is part of a larger group of compounds called xanthines. Here is a list of common xanthines and where they can be found:

    • Caffeine: Found in guarana, kola nut, tea, coffee and yerba mate.
    • Paraxanthine: this xanthine has not been confirmed to exist in any plants. It is, however, a major metabolite of caffeine in humans. Like caffeine, it is a stimulant, but reports show that it is better at heightening wakefulness.
    • Theobromine: Found in chocolate/cacao, tea, coffee and yerba mate. Theobromine is most commonly found in large concentrations in chocolate. Theobromine is stimulating like caffeine but much less potent. It also helps promote enhanced blood flow by relaxing our blood vessels.
    • Theophylline: Found in tea, chocolate/cacao, and yerba mate. This xanthine, like others, has a stimulating effect. It is mostly found in tea and promotes the relaxation of bronchial muscles and blood vessels.

There are also a few interesting uric acid derivatives of the xanthines, the two most common, and currently available on the market are:

Theacrine (Teacrine): Theacrine is present in small amounts in kucha tea. Theacrine’s special quality is that it lasts much longer than caffeine and reports indicate that it is better at enhancing mood, and there doesn’t appear to be a build up of tolerance as reported with caffeine. Anecdotally, the effects also appear to be smoother than caffeine as well.

Methylliberine (Dynamine): Methylliberine is also present in small amounts in kucha tea. However, it’s very different from theacrine. It has been reported that Methylliberine has more of an impact than other xanthines providing a significant positive effect on mood. Although its effects are rapid, they are short lived.

There are many effects of the various xanthine molecules, however, in this blog we will focus on Dynamine methylliberine, which in our opinion is one of the best xanthine derivatives currently available!

There are also a few interesting uric acid derivatives of the xanthines, the two most common, and currently available on the market are:

Theacrine (Teacrine): Theacrine is present in small amounts in kucha tea. Theacrine’s special quality is that it lasts much longer than caffeine and reports indicate that it is better at enhancing mood, and there doesn’t appear to be a build up of tolerance as reported with caffeine. Anecdotally, the effects also appear to be smoother than caffeine as well.

Methylliberine (Dynamine): Methylliberine is also present in small amounts in kucha tea. However, it’s very different from theacrine. It has been reported that Methylliberine has more of an impact than other xanthines providing a significant positive effect on mood. Although its effects are rapid, they are short lived.

There are many effects of the various xanthine molecules, however, in this blog we will focus on Dynamine methylliberine, which in our opinion is one of the best xanthine derivatives currently available!


Dynamine Methylliberine, a purine alkaloid, is found in the kucha tea leaf. It has a similar molecular structure to theacrine (TeaCrine) which is another natural energy supplement that is believed to act in similar ways throughout the body. Methylliberine may enhance feelings of energy, mood and focus by activating receptors and neurotransmitters that are responsible for these effects. And like Caffeine, Dynamine Methylliberine has also been found to regulate adenosine receptors.

We initially stumbled upon Dynamine Methylliberine when our sister brand Natrium Health was in the initial stages of Dynamax research and development. Our goal was to develop one the best and most comprehensive Caffeine and L Theanine-based products we could produce. We acquired a collection of xanthines, xanthine derivatives and xanthine formulations. After compiling them, we still felt that it wasn’t delivering the punch we expected. So, we added just 100 mg of Dynamine to the mix. Surprisingly, Dynamine enhanced the blend pretty significantly and the effects were reported within 15 minutes. We were so pleased with it that we fast tracked development for this product and released it way ahead of schedule.

Since we are producing Dynamax with Dynamine, we had a lot of it in house. So we decided to experiment with it in isolation and in different formulations. Below are our thoughts on what Dynamine can achieve:

Dynamine In Isolation:

Dynamine Methylliberine taken alone is an interesting experience but can be a little lackluster if you are looking for a long lasting boost of energy. Dynamine is ideal as a late day/night pre-workout supplement because the effects are short lived. A Dynamine dosage of 100mg can help perk up mood and energy levels late in the day without interfering with sleep. Used this way, a dosage of 100mg can provide a subtle boost in energy levels, whereas a Dynamine dosage of 200mg packs a bigger punch. However, the stimulating effect that Dynamine Methylliberine provides is not as intense as caffeine. This is why some people who use Caffeine frequently may not find the effects to be as stimulating compared to Caffeine.


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Dynamine Is Self-Affirmed GRAS
Dynamine Is Trusted By Sport
Dynamine Is Trusted By Sport

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This is where Dynamine Methylliberine really shines, and this likely has a lot to do with its pharmacological profile. Most xanthine molecules produce stimulating effects by blocking adenosine receptors. Adenosine is a major neurotransmitter which is formed as a byproduct of various energy intensive processes throughout the body. Most processes in the body are powered by one primary energy molecule called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). When ATP gets used to generate energy, a phosphate group falls off. ATP then becomes Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP). ADP can interact with more phosphate groups to regenerate ATP or it can lose another phosphate group, which then becomes Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP). As you may have guessed at this point, AMP can also interact with phosphate groups to regenerate ADP (which can then generate ATP), or it can lose yet another phosphate group, at which point we are left with plain adenosine. Adenosine can also be created by the direct breakdown of ATP in the brain by enzymes called ectonucleotidases. It also appears that oxidative stress and inflammation can speed up the generation of adenosine. This free adenosine can then start to bind to adenosine receptors in the brain, which will gradually cause significant lethargy, making it very hard to stay awake. This is fantastic if it happens at night before bed. All of the energy we exerted throughout the day that has slowly led to a massive buildup of adenosine is now helping us fall asleep. During sleep, a lot of this adenosine gets broken down and we wake up feeling refreshed. However, adenosine can start to affect us far before sleep. This is why, when xanthines block adenosine receptors, we start feeling more awake and alert. Adenosine receptors also control the function of many other receptors throughout the brain such as norepinephrine and serotonin. By activating adenosine receptors, the activity of these receptors decreases, whereas blocking adenosine receptors, can increase the activity of these receptors.

AMP vs. ADP vs. ATP

So What Does Methylliberine Do Differently?

Instead of blocking adenosine receptors, Methylliberine appears to act as a negative allosteric modulator, which means that instead of producing effects by fully blocking adenosine receptors, Methylliberine produces its effects by decreasing the overall sensitivity of adenosine receptors. This ultimately means that more adenosine needs to bind to adenosine receptors in order to make us tired.

Methylliberine and Theacrine both appear to act as negative allosteric modulators on adenosine receptors. Negative allosteric modulators tend to produce less of a tolerance buildup which is likely why Theacrine and Dynamine Methylliberine appear to build tolerance much less quickly than Caffeine, which fully blocks adenosine receptors. This means that Dynamine Methylliberine can significantly enhance caffeine’s effects by allowing a smaller amount of caffeine to produce a blocking effect on adenosine receptors. The benefit to this is that individuals who are looking to increase the effects of Caffeine can do so without having to take more Caffeine, and without increasing jitteriness. In fact, a new clinical trial has revealed that Dynamine can extend the half-life of Caffeine by about two-fold! However, Caffeine did not alter the pharmacokinetics of Dynamine. This means that you can take less Caffeine when paired with Dynamine, and have a longer lasting Caffeine experience! You can see the data below!

Dynamine + Caffeine Study
Dynamine Methylliberine Capsules

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Caffeine and L-Theanine Capsules

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Teacrine Capsules

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Combining Dynamine With other Xanthines:

Because the majority of xanthines are adenosine receptor blockers, methylliberine can also help enhance their effects. For a smooth, gentle, effective pre-workout, consider stacking Dynamine with Chocamine Cocoa Extract. To increase the energy effects, combine 100mg of Dynamine with a cup of green tea, this also increases the effects of the xanthine profile in tea.  

If you are feeling bold, Dynamine methylliberine may even help elevate yerba mate tea which has a very comprehensive xanthine profile of its own. The two together create a very comprehensive yet smooth stimulating brew! As mentioned previously, Dynamine can kick your caffeine up a notch. Just 100mg of Dynamine added to your morning cup of coffee can help your coffee pack an even bigger punch!

Now, if you wanted to really maximize caffeine’s potential, the combination of Dynamine, Teacrine, and Caffeine together extended caffeine’s half-line by approximately three-fold! This can be seen in the data illustrated in the chart above.

"Research has shown that magnesium levels are decreasing in most foods... With the magnesium content decreasing in crops and the increase in the consumption of processed foods, magnesium deficiencies in the population are becoming more prevalent."


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Dynamine Is Self Affirmed GRAS
Dynamine is Trusted By Sport
Dynamine is Trusted By Sport

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Combining Theacrine with Methylliberine has produced effects that the developers of Dynamine and Teacrine enthusiastically support.

According to Compound Solutions, the combination of Teacrine, also known as Theacrine, and Dynamine leads to a quick onset of effects caused by the Dynamine, which is then complemented by the long-lasting effects of Teacrine.

Dynamine Promotes Energy, Mood, and Focus



Dynamine Methylliberine Capsules

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Teacrine Capsules

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According to Compound Solutions, the combination of Teacrine, also known as Theacrine, and Dynamine leads to a quick onset of effects caused by the Dynamine, which is then complemented by the long-lasting effects of Teacrine.


Dynamine Methylliberine Capsules

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Chocamine Cocoa Extract

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As previously mentioned, this stack can help increase the stimulating effects of theobromine, while also increasing blood flow, enhancing focus and mood without being overly stimulating. In our opinion, this combination would benefit those looking to enhance an experience of something like a long run or an intense yoga session.


Dynamine Methylliberine Capsules

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Caffeine + L-Theanine Capsules

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To experience the effects of Dynamax without long lasting hours of energy, the combination of Dynamine with our original Caffeine with L Theanine capsules would be our recommendation. Anecdotal reports indicate that the formula containing Caffeine with L Theanine was not stimulating enough. This is why we flipped the ratios to 200mg Caffeine and 100mg L Theanine in our new Caffeine with L Theanine capsules. However, if you aren’t looking to consume more caffeine, then 100mg of Dynamine would noticeably enhance the effects of our original formulation of 100mg Caffeine with 200mg L- Theanine. This is ideal as it keeps the effects nice and smooth, keeping those jitters at bay!


Dynamine Methylliberine Capsules

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Caffeine + N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine Solution

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The combination of 100mg of Dynamine with a single dose of Caffeine + NALT solution is ideal for those looking for a substantial focused stimulation. Caffeine with NALT already helps promote the focus enhancing benefits of Caffeine, but combining the Caffeine + NALT solution with Dynamine elevates that focus and may even help us hone that focus in on more difficult and demanding tasks. This combination would also make for a simple but highly effective pre-workout.


As you may have noticed, aside from this blog and a few others available on the internet, there is not a whole lot of information to be found on Dynamine Methylliberine. Due to the fact that Dynamine Methyllierine is a fairly new ingredient that until recen ly has not been produced in large amounts, there is little information available on the internet about it. Lately, there have been some serious scientific innovations from Compound Solutions,which has granted us access to this unique and ground-breaking xanthine derivative. Compound Solutions is currently conducting controlled studies on Dynamine Methylliberine to gain a deeper knowledge of Dynamine Methylliberine.

Here at Nootropics Depot, we are also working on expanding our understanding of this unique energy booster and discovering beneficial combinations of Methylliberine with other novel natural ingredients. In the meantime, here’s a recipe below for an advanced pre-workout formulation that includes Dynamine Methylliberine!


The Dynamine Methylliberine in this pre-workout mix will take effect rapidly and in conjunction with CoQ10, Cordyceps 10:1 and Caffeine with L- Theanine. It will help support your endurance through long workouts. Creatine taken daily, and Citrulline DL Malate, helps promote strength and endurance. This is a simple, no-frills pre-workout formulation. Try it and share your experience with us!

Dynamine Methylliberine Capsules

100mg of Dynamine Methylliberine can help boost energy and mood levels very quickly and launch you right into your workout routine.

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L-Citrulline DL-Malate Powder

3-6 grams helps produce nitric oxide boosting effects. Nitric oxide helps enhance blood flow, which may increase endurance and muscle growth.

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Creatine monohydrate Powder

5 grams of Creatine taken long term may help enhance strength. Creatine monohydrate may increase hydration before workouts as well as help make ATP.

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CoQ10 Powder

200mg of CoQ10 may increase energy levels. CoQ10 in conjunction with creatine may also help increase ATP production.

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Cordyceps Mushroom Extract Capsules

A dosage of 250mg. Cordyceps may help promote endurance, while also providing a notable mood boost.

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Caffeine + L-Theanine Capsules

One capsule of the formula contains 100mg of Caffeine and 200mg of L-Theanine. Helping to further solidify the energy promoting effects of this comprehensive pre-workout stack!

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Dynamine Methylliberine Capsules

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Dynamine Methylliberine Powder

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DynaMAX Enhanced Caffeine Capsules

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SCOOPS: Nootropics Depot does not provide scoops or spoons with any of our products. Scoops are highly unreliable for accurate measuring. Scoops measure volume rather than weight which is problematic because all powders have different densities. A milligram scale is needed to accurately measure powder products.

Attention: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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About Nootropics Depot

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Nootropics Depot is an online-based vendor of high quality nootropics, novel plant extracts, amino acids, fish oil, choline supplements, vitamins, and more based in Tempe Arizona. We were founded in 2013 when we realized the industry needed a trusted source for these products and someone to champion the change the supplement industry needs. We have our own in-house analytical testing lab with some of the best analytical chemists in the supplement industry. We are constantly striving to advance and improve the purity and analytical standards of not only the nootropics industry, but the larger supplement industry as a whole.